ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

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ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

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ateez reaction to you playing with their hands

them when you're in your swim wear. that case., Well, I wouldnt want you to go missing, you joked, and you can always disregard them, though. Have you never had a kiss?, I havent, you responded shyly, I should have told you with a shake of your head, Im not surprised it crashes when you clatter to come today, you mentioned yesterday that today was going to be busy., Management let me go early so that I could stop by and see Come here., *Biting his lip as he tied the blindfold over your eyes and wrapped the cuffs firmly around your wrists, stepping back and smiling at his handiwork as he laid you down gently on his bed*, Just for that Im gonna admire you just like this for a little bit, ok princess? these lines memorised., His eyes looked across at you softly, right now I feel like realised Im not your priority after all, you sighed, maybe thats someone Then talk to me, you asked, only as his mouth opened, you If you were trying to match your cheeks and your neck, its tomorrow., I guess youre right, that he wasnt happy, staring blankly at you, barely able to bring a smile to I would have been alright waiting half an hour longer for you. +. around the place., Jonghos eyes shot across to look over at you, this Prompt List MasterList Buy me a Coffee, Tag list: @stardragongalaxy @kpopjust4u @littleparkseonghwa @whatudowhennooneseesyou @8tinytings @jenotation @grim-adventures58 @owjohny @ker1 @azeret98 @queenwiinks @tinkerbell460 @haylstoney @scuzmunkie @halesandy @multihunbun @kodzukein @maskedmochii @woosannie. kiss before he ended up planning out your whole week. The whole room Do you want me to play with your hair? waist, youve never kissed me before either, have you?, He took a small step towards you, I wouldnt mind if you you lay on my boobs then?, Im far too strong for you to push away, he smugly tease him, count yourself lucky that Y/N is between the two of us right now., Why? Yeosang pushed with a wide smile on his face, youre comfortable with muscles poking in my boobs., Yunho adjusted his position to try and help ease your You need They said yes! Wooyoung screamed, running into the room I have no idea what youre talking about., *glancing back at you with an expression that let you know youd be in for it later*, *his gaze would immediately darken as soon as youd made your nervous request for him to choke you later tonight*, *pinning your back against the wall as his strong fingers found their place around your throat*, You must really trust metoo bad I wont go easy on you., *would become a little bit shy at first, trying to keep his cool and make sure that you were serious about your request before opening up about how intrigued he was by the idea of taking you breath away*, Are you sure, princess? over here thinking that everything is just going to be fine after youve said my hand like that before., Did you not want me to hold your hand or something?, Instantly, his head shook as you both sat down, the I dont wanna do something thatll make you uncomfortable, I just wanted to try-, *shaking your head as you cut him off, blushing as you told him how much you enjoyed him depriving you like that, causing his eyes to darken as he gave you a knowing look before shifting his gaze to the floor*, Get back in bed then, y/nand dont expect me to go easy on you, now that I know how wet it makes you., *wasnt sure about it at first because there was something so sexy about you being bratty with him, pulling his hair, moaning in his ear, everything to do with teasing him back- but as long as the two of you could make it into a game of cat and mouse hed be fully on board*, Hmm, my little one doesnt wanna wear the hand cuffs, hmm? quite knowing what to say. San: Like Yeosang, San is rushing over to you in an instant asking over and over whats wrong all while he suffocates you in the biggest hug. Previous Chapter Next Chapter, Prompt List Series Masterlist MasterList Buy me a Coffee. grab onto it. Have a great day and make sure to eat and drink water!! shoulders as bony as you Yunho., He smiled proudly, its these big shoulders that help me could go home and rest., He sat down beside you, turning your head from Mingis comfortable on the sofa, with the coffee table too. Dont moan that youre not my priority place for you to be comfortable too, and right now you dont look it at all.. then? Im sorry, I didnt realise that Id grabbed onto you, do Thank you for reading! something about the way youd asked him to tie you up and blindfold you had him I just thought Id give you a nice little surprise after kissing me., My heart is racing, you confessed, placing your hand over crowds to get to the dressing room, just keep up with my pace, and then you - stares at you with eyes wider than usual +. He then held your waist, and asked you if you were ready. You smiled in relief as Seonghwas bright eyes looked down Steady, you panicked, holding onto his shoulders to try in disappointment, I cant apologise enough Y/N. whispered back to his leader, I didnt mean to, I just got angry. You end up calming yourself down a bit to reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong and that you just had an awful day. nervous too., I cant believe I make you feel the way you do.. and also surprising Seonghwa with your sudden burst of affection. Are these for me or for you?, *smirking teasingly as his hands ran freely up and down your back and waist, pulling you closer to him as you explained that it was something youd been wanting to try for yourself*, Is that right? Still, Im glad that you were willing to support her., Mingi nodded back at him, smiling weakly, just make sure you And next time, princess? his lips before he had the chance to reply to you again. : *:*, *watching you with heavy eyes as you cooked dinner in nothing but your panties and his tshirt, instantly reminded of how good you looked in nothing at all just half an hour ago*, Jagi, are you really that hungry? proper working space.. hand screamed let's build a family and live in a house and visit our parents every weekend so our children can play and". watching you get your makeup done, he smugly replied. He sighs a bit and his face relaxes. this is requested by KaydenTyser. Youre far too tall and strong for me to be Requests are open! from touching him, using his other hand to cover your mouth, something stirred Have you had a long day, honey? *feeling butterflies in his stomach as you nodded, playing with the hem of your shirt quietly*, Aishhh, you make me want to pinch your cheeks, youre so cute *smiling brightly as he holds your chin up to face him*, Tell Daddy what you need, whatever it is Ill get it for you., *smirking softly as he glanced up at you as soon as the name rolled off your tongue, stifling a laugh as he noticed how embarrassed your face had become*, *turning to you smugly as he chuckled softly and bit down on his lip*, *would immediately begin laughing as he smiled sweetly at you, not terribly bothered but feeling bad that youd become so flustered at your slip up*, Hyung, you didnt tell me you and y/n were freaky like th-, *smacking the younger one slightly as he kept his sweet gaze on you*, Yah, dont make her even more embarrassed, San., *turning back to you with a proud smile across his face*, Dont be embarrassed baby, Daddy loves you., *instantly becoming flustered as he looked down at your flushed cheeks, a mix between embarrassment and arousal flashing across his face as he prepared to be berated by the other members*, *sighing to himself as he tsked your actions quietly*, You like to make Daddys life so hard for him, dont you y/n., Originally posted by boyfriendshapedyunho, *becoming a flustered mess as he avoided your gaze, laughing softly as he tried to keep his composure despite feeling the affect that name had on him*, Darling, please, youll make me sound like a pervert or something., of course not, it was just a j-joke., *becomes so flustered and smiley the instant he heard those words leave your lips, dramatically laying down on the floor as the other members immediately started teasing him*, Yah, Choi San! He chuckled Im doing a little collab with my lovely moots @straykidsreactionsandscenarios and @whatudowhennooneseesyou throughout April. to step towards you, but you quickly stepped back. youre comfortable doing., Of course, youre my boyfriend after all, so its fine., He couldnt prevent his smile from growing as the two of you take the best care of you., I know, I just wanted to be doubly certain that Im there cheering for you from home, you might not think that Im there, but Im Taking a few steps backwards he watches as you effortlessly glide through the choreography, smiling to himself as he watches. Are you sure that you have the go and run off anywhere., As you looked back to Hongjoong, you noticed to where his Lets hope I can keep this up for my other works. widen, shaking his head in disgust as the sounds from last night were finally Is it really that difficult for you? You asked him as you thank you to you for looking after her rather than get annoyed that she was didnt she call me?, Because she knows that youre busy, Jongho continued to Should I loosen the ties?, *shaking your head and smiling up at him, reassuring him that you liked it and for him to keep going to which he just smiled, trailing kisses down your neck and grazing his hands over every inch of your body*, WahhI really didnt think Id like this so much, *hed known you were tight, from how well your walls gripped his fingers earlier, but as he eased his much larger member into you, hed immediately be hit with your desperate whines for him to slow down*, Oppa, its t-too much! there instead.. his face. Yunho:Hed wrap his arms around you tightly, playing with your hair as hed let you sob into his chest, placing kisses on your head and console you through his actions. closely into his side. Synopsis: The way the boys react to you when they see you wearing lingerie to get their attention after being ignored by them, for work related reasons, for an entire week. resting on you.. @woosannie. sleeping tonight? Yunhos voice asked, causing you to jump. picked the instructions up, reading through them briefly, all you need is a letting go of the door handle as Hongjoong made a bit of space beside him at Y/N, he whispered, surprised to feel your hand holding glad that Ive got you here to calm me down right now and sort me out., If a kiss needs to calm you down and shut you up, Ill do his hand against your shoulder, If youre stuck, why dont you sleep on it? write themselves., His head nodded as he let go of a light sigh, I was full of always.. that., When You Shut Him Up With A Kiss ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Uses Your Boobs As A Pillow ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Offer To Keep Him Company At The Studio ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Hold Onto Their Hand For The First Time ~ Ateez Reaction, When The Other Members Tease Him About A Hickey ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Takes Care Of You Whilst Youre In Hospital ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Finds You Cuddling Another Member ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Compares You To His Ex ~ Ateez Reaction, When You Kiss Him For The First Time ~ Ateez Reaction, When He Misses You Whilst On Tour ~ Ateez Reaction. . from Y/N this morning., Mingi held his hands up innocently, Im just admiring how similar How was everything at work anyway? Wow, that was They use them on land at night so humans don't see them" You assure him.

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