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The Concept of Hell | Book of Mormon Central Continuous suffering, however, is reserved only for sons of perditionthose who are still unclean after the final judgment. to become a son of perdition? Both Luther, who taught soul sleep till the resurrection of the dead, and Calvin, who taught the immortal soul, considered the "outer darkness" references in Matthew to refer to the last judgment. Those who have never received the light are not to become Sons of Perdition. This is serving Satan. (-Joseph Smith in the King Follett Discourse), There is my definition I used in my previous post. It also teaches that the Atonement ransoms humankind from physical death through the resurrection and from spiritual death, or hell, through repentance. Hence, the very worse lot in their lives will be the telestial kingdom. [DS 2:225.] (p. 273). outer darkness | Some Mormon Stuff And if they be evil they are consigned to an awful view of their own guilt and abominations, which doth cause them to shrink from the presence of the Lord into a state of misery and endless torment, from whence they can no more return; therefore they have drunk damnation to their own souls. Crash Course Mormonism: Outer Darkness - Mormonism Research Ministry What do Mormons believe happened in the pre-existence? (Conference Reports, October 1958, p. 21. Mormon Wiki, for example has a pretty specific definition of who doesnt go there but lacks any citations: Sons of Perdition as those few souls who have been born on this earth who have been made partakers of Gods power, yet suffered themselves through the power of the devil to be overcome, and to deny the truth and defy God by denying the Holy Spirit after having received it, denying the Only Begotten Son and put him to an open shame. They openly and knowingly fight against God and Christ, having sided with Satan even though they had once tasted of full gospel knowledge by the power of the Holy Ghost.There are those who fear that they have committed the unpardonable sin, because they have not been faithful members of the Church. Those who have never received the light are not to become Sons of Perdition (Conference Reports, October 1958, p. 21). Another manual states, Baptism is the first saving ordinance of the gospel (see Articles of Faith 1:4). That Satan rebelled against Christ and God the Father and was cast out with all of Satans followers and will not receive a body. (Doctrines of Salvation 2:220-221). . Twenty-nine times the word hell is used with descriptive modifiers, for example, depths of hell (1 Ne. Women or not. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a son of perdition is a person who will not take part in the glory of God in the afterlife. (2) We believe in allowing our candles to burn for a maximum of four hours at a time. A representation of the tree degrees of glory and outer darkness. [3] Larry E. Dahl, The Concept of Hell, in Doctrines of the Book of Mormon (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1992), 4243. [3]. What is it? the man was silent (Matt 22:12); therefore, the king said: "Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the exterior darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In Jesus parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Jesus contrasted the afterlife state of the lowly Lazarus with that of the self-absorbed rich man. T F Once a spirit enters Outer Darkness, there will be no leaving there. To qualify, a person would not only have to leave the Mormon church but also vehemently speak against it. It is true that the only mortals who had once been members are eligible to become sons of perdition, a fact that may worry some former Mormons who wonder if they might be destined for outer darkness. (Selections of Doctrines of Salvation, p. 462. It is the closest Mormon analogy to the concept of hell in most other Christian traditions. Followers 0. The Nephites became so wicked, that contemplating murder was a source of happiness. In contrast, Book of Mormon references to the second death are embedded in sermons that teach it in context with other essential elements of the plan of salvation. The sons of perdition are those who have had a knowledge of the truth, have known that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, have had the testimony of the Spirit of the Lord, the Holy Ghost, and these things have all been revealed so that they know they are true; and then they turn against them and fight them knowingly (Conference Reports, April 1942, p. 27. Therefore the Lord used Satans evil acts to accomplish his own purposes. The second death is a second separation from God, not because of Adams transgression (the first death) but because of ones own failure to repent of personal sin. Also, the whole thing about Daughters of Perdition. There are possible characteristics of a son of perdition. According to the churchs website: The followers of Satan who will suffer with him in eternity. At the end of the twenty years, the knife would be withdrawn and again stabbed into us, with the resulting excruciating pain lasting another twenty years; this process would then be repeated for all eternity. Heaven and Hell - Mormonism Research Ministry In the parable of the talents, the returning lord instructed that the wicked and slothful servant who hid his talent in the earth be cast into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. Outer darkness - MormonWiki.org Those in this second group will be resurrected from the dead but will not be redeemed from the second (spiritual) death and cannot dwell in a kingdom of glory (D&C 88:32, 35). Hell is a state of suffering, both temporary and permanent. Historic Christianity. Discourse delivered October 8, 1861, pp. A lot of people wanted a source on that. And I said unto them that our father also saw that the justice of God did also divide the wicked from the righteous; and the brightness thereof was like unto the brightness of a flaming fire, which ascendeth up unto God forever and ever, and hath no end (1 Ne. It is doubtful if even Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was sufficiently enlightened to become a son of perdition (Gospel Doctrine,p. 545). D&C 76 does say telestial people are the ones thrust down to hell and not redeemed until the last resurrection. This is a place very close in nature to the biblical hell. For example, John saw the judgment in vision and wrote that death and hell delivered up the dead . ABCs of Science and Mormonism now available in Print from Amazon! I have no fear of hell fire, that doesnt exist, but the torment and disappointment of the mind of man is as exquisite as a lake burning with fire and brimstoneso is the torment of man. Yes, they were said by Prophets of their church. The third use occurs in the parable of the talents: "And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth" (Matthew 25:30). In each New Testament passage that speaks of hell (the word hades is neutralneither a place of punishment nor reward but the place of departed spirits) the context associates it with suffering and punishment. It must be emphasized that the witness described means that the person has had the heavens opened unto him and has personally seen, and even spoken with, the Savior, and then has turned against Him, bringing him to open shame. Thus, the second death is taught in conjunction with the first death, which came as a consequence of the Fall of Adam and Eve, and also with the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which redeems all of humankind from the first death through resurrection and the second death through repentance. 10:28). [1], Other views include those of Zane C. Hodges who controversially suggested that it represents a place for those who make it to heaven based on their faith, but have failed to perform good works during their time on the earth.[2]. First, it is another name for spirit prison, a temporary place in the postmortal world for those who died without a knowledge of the truth or those who were disobedient in mortality. I said: I dont know and he said, How can I find outI just called Spencer Kimball and he told me he didnt know either. St. Augustine wrote: Hell, which also is called a lake of fire and brimstone, will be material fire, and will torment the bodies of the damned, whether men or devilsthe solid bodies of the one, aerial bodies of the others; or if only men have bodies as well as souls, yet the evil spirits, though without bodies, shall be so connected with the bodily fires as to receive pain without imparting life. And the definition contains all of the pre-mortal spirits who followed Lucifer, which would imply that God created a lot more male spirits than women spirits and maybe thats why there was a war in Heaven. When I was Mormon, I was taught that in order to be sent to Outer Darkness (I'm a woman, that will be relevant in a second) you had to have an UNMISTAKABLE KnOwLeDgE of Christ, and then turn your back on God and deny him. When the lights were out and we were on the verge of sleep, our camp counselor took advantage of the moment and endeavored to imprint his teachings upon the minds of his captive audience. Joseph restated that anyone who apostatized from the church was a son of perdition in a poem for W.W. Phelps, Sons of Perdition as those who are ever lost, and can never return to the presence of God, the poem declared that such is the torment apostates receive. (Joseph Smith, The Answer to W.W. Phelps, Esq. Alma 40. Tenth President Joseph Fielding Smitha general authority who spoke more about this issue than any other leaderstated. Only a handful of "sons of perdition" would go. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The Prophet Joseph Smith would not countenance the teaching of this doctrine, and sanctioned the decision of the bishop that any who taught it should be barred from communion (The Miracle of Forgiveness, p. 125). Whats interesting is that there are many former Mormons who still believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God and have a testimony of the Spirit of the Lord. However, their faith no longer is in the Jesus of Mormonism but the Jesus of the Bible. Clean and Unclean J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Church Leaders and the Scriptures, [original title When Are the Writings or Sermons of Church Leaders Entitled to the Claim of Scripture?] Immortality and Eternal Life: Reflections from the Writings and Messages of President J. Reuben Clark, Jr., Vol, 2, (1969-70): 221; address to Seminary and Institute Teachers, BYU (7 July 1954); reproduced in Church News (31 July 1954); also reprinted in Dialogue 12/2 (Summer 1979): 6881. So there you go, the souls who end up in Outer Darkness are clearly apostates, or not. The apostle John saw the final judgment and wrote of the destiny of the wicked: And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Other sources used in composing this topic: http://en.fairmormon.org/Plan_of_salvation/Sons_of_Perdition/Can_women_be_%22Sons_of_Perdition%22, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outer_darkness#Usage_in_the_Latter_Day_Saint_movement, http://en.fairmormon.org/Plan_of_salvation/Sons_of_Perdition/Eventual_fate, http://emp.byui.edu/satterfieldb/quotes/Sons%20of%20Perdition.htm. If you want to make the point that Mormon Prophets have said some weird stuff, I am all for it. 1. Jesus of Mormonism but the Jesus of the Bible. D&C 133:73 says, These shall go away into outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth. Humans who never heard about Mormonism will not go there, as tenth President Joseph Fielding Smith said, That is a punishment that will not come to those who have never known the truth. The Book of Mormon also makes reference to everlasting fire (2 Ne. Additionally it provides helpful commentary on New Testament passages concerning hell. Outer darkness is a place reserved for the Devil, his angels, and the sons of perdition. It is an eternal destination, a place where very few (if any) human beings will ever be sent. While John could be referring to the sons of perdition in this passage, the specific sins he identified are characteristic of those who will suffer in hell but, after experiencing their part in the lake of fire, will be released from their torment and be resurrected to a telestial glory (see D&C 76:10312). Johns references to the second death testify of its existence but do not offer any explanatory information that instructs those readers who do not already understand the doctrine. Source. But behold, the resurrection of Christ redeemeth mankind, yea, even all mankind, and bringeth them back into the presence of the Lord. The conclusion: You (former Mormon), despite being baptized into this church, are not a son of perdition! Your generous support makes the work of MRM possible. Outer Darkness. With the sons of perdition, however, even this blessing is denied. 12:22). Smith told a general conference audience: I think I am safe in saying that no man can become a Son of Perdition until he has known the light. Over the 30 years in Christian ministry, I have met many former Mormons who once believed in Mormonism, but none has ever confessed that they still believe Mormonism to be true. Conclusion And remember you can be excommunicated for asking church leaders to give solid answers so trust the apologists who say to only trust the prophets on matters like this. 20:14). Lets go to modern revelation: that there would be no daughters of perdition. Joseph F. Smith Stan Larsen, ed., A Ministry of Meetings: The Diaries of Rudger Clawson, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Smith Associates and Signature Books, 1993) p. 560, Somebody called me up on the telephone and asked if there were daughters of perdition. Its just Scary bad. Marcus Dods (New York: Random House, 1950), 781. Hell - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 20:1315). Outer darkness is a eternal place of torment reserved for those who are sons of perdition. According to LDS scripture, this will be a place that where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth (Doctrine and Covenants 101:91; also see 133:73). Outer darkness is something which cannot be described, except that we know that it is to be placed beyond the benign and comforting influence of the Spirit of God banished entirely from his presence (Ibid.). Can someone get out of this state of Perdition once they are in it? Hence, the term outer darkness. To become a son of perdition one must sin against the Holy Ghost, but before that is possible, one must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost (Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual Religion 324 and 325, 2001, p. 161). Hell - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints While this is true, please define Mormon Doctrine before saying I did not quote Mormon Doctrine. The Book of Mormon teaches that after death, the spirits of those who "chose evil works rather than good" in mortality will be "cast out . (To see the differences between the three kingdoms of glory, click here.) Pingback: The Shunning Key by bwv549 - Mormon Bandwagon, A Son of Perdition is: Mormon Hell, Sons of Perdition and Outer Darkness - YouTube The Book of Mormon clarifies that the lake of fire and brimstone is a metaphor for the suffering of the wicked. (You are not one of those spirits since you have a mortal body.). Those mortals who never join the LDS Church (through baptism) cannot become sons of perdition. Then is the time when their torments shall be as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever; and then is the time that they shall be chained down to an everlasting destruction, according to the power and captivity of Satan, he having subjected them according to his will. ( Miracle of Forgiveness 129-30) The Lord Will Judge For persons not to receive forgiveness neither in this world nor in the world to come does not mean that they will be cast into outer darkness, for the sin of murder can be pardoned even though it is unforgivable. The Lord said no man knoweth So, theres probably a good reason that there is some debate and confusion on it. So a heads up, this does not include you or any one who has ever been or will be born on Earth. 2:8-10) Jesus' atonement provided immortality for all people. So I thought Id get it all out there in one simple post. 15:29, 35; Alma 19:29; 54:7), sleep of hell (2 Ne. But what is light? But to pass it off as a belief of an entire Church, organization and people is wrong. Matt. That night not one boy was interested in going to hell! The first death is physical death, and everyone but the devil and his angels will overcome physical death through Resurrection. Jacob identified death and hell as temporal and spiritual death. For behold, he surely must die that salvation may come; yea, it behooveth him and becometh expedient that he dieth, to bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, that thereby men may be brought into the presence of the Lord. Jesus declared that this exalted city would be brought down to hell (Matt. I can give you more than plenty of examples of that. An in depth look at the Mormon doctrine of hell. kingdoms of glory. Dennis L. Largey was an associate professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University when this was published.
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