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hidden brain transcript

It's never happened. Hidden Brain - KQED | News, Radio, Podcasts, TV And so I was trying to keep track of which way is which. In the final episode of our "Mind Reading 2.0" series, we bring back one of our favorite conversations, with linguist Deborah Tannen. It seems kind of elliptical, like, would it be possible that I obtained? And we looked at every personification and allegory in Artstor and asked, does the language that you speak matter for how you paint death, depending on whether the word death is masculine or feminine in your language? In the final episode of our Relationships 2.0 series, psychologistHarry Reis says theres another ingredient to successful relationships thats every bit as important as love. And maybe the convenience store or the shop is really not that far away. MCWHORTER: Exactly. The only question was in which way. This week, in the fourth and final installment of our Happiness 2.0 series, psychologist Dacher Having a sense of purpose can be a buffer against the challenges we all face at various stages of life. Freely Determined: What the New Psychology of the Self Teaches Us About How to Live, by Kennon M. Sheldon, 2022. And it really is an illusion that what language is, is something that sits still. BORODITSKY: It's certainly possible. Many of us rush through our days, weeks, and lives, chasing goals, and just trying to get everything done. And then 10 years later when they're 49, you say, well, that picture of you at 39 is what you really are and whatever's happened to you since then is some sort of disaster or something that shouldn't have happened. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN #3: (Speaking foreign language). The phrase brings an entire world with it - its context, its flavor, its culture. VEDANTAM: One of the ultimate messages I took from your work is that, you know, we can choose to have languages that are alive or languages that are dead. So you have speakers of two different languages look at the same event and come away with different memories of what happened because of the structure of their languages and the way they would normally describe them. GEACONE-CRUZ: And you're at home in your pajamas, all nice and cuddly and maybe, watching Netflix or something. But then you start writing things down and you're in a whole new land because once things are sitting there written on that piece of paper, there's that illusion. Today in our Happiness 2.0 series, we revisit a favorite episode from 2020. Shankar Vedantam, host of the popular podcast "Hidden Brain" has been reporting on human behavior for decades. Many of us believe that hard work and persistence are the key to achieving our goals. And they asked me all kinds of questions about them. According to neuroscientists who study laughter, it turns out that chuckles and giggles often aren't a response to humorthey're a response to people. Now I can stay oriented. No matter how hard you try to feel happier, you end up back where you started. You can't know, but you can certainly know that if could listen to people 50 years from now, they'd sound odd. But I understand that in Spanish, this would come out quite differently. But what happens when these feelings catch up with us? They're more likely to say, well, it's a formal property of the language. But that can blind us to a very simple source of joy that's all around us. What do you do for christmas with your family? NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Parents and peers influence our major life choices. Today, we explore the many facets of this idea. When the con was exposed, its victims defended the con artists. JENNIFER GEACONE-CRUZ: My name is Jennifer Geacone-Cruz. If you still cant find the episode, try looking through our most recent shows on our homepage. And in fact, speakers of languages like this have been shown to orient extremely well - much better than we used to think humans could. It should just be, here is the natural way, then there's some things that you're supposed to do in public because that's the way it is, whether it's fair or not. This week, we revisit a favorite episode from 2021, bringing you two stories about how easy it can be to believe in a false reality even when the facts dont back us up. Our transcripts are provided by various partners and may contain errors or deviate slightly from the audio. What a cynical thing to say, but that doesn't mean that it might not be true. So you can't know how the words are going to come out, but you can take good guesses. One study that I love is a study that asked monolingual speakers of Italian and German and also bilingual speakers of Italian and German to give reasons for why things are the grammatical genders that they are. Not without written permission. I saw this bird's-eye view, and I was this little red dot. Only a couple hundred languages - or if you want to be conservative about it, a hundred languages - are written in any real way and then there are 6,800 others. The Effects of Conflict Types, Dimensions, and Emergent States on Group Outcomes, by Karen Jehn et. al (Eds. Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. Podcasters use the RadioPublic listener relationship platform to build lasting connections with fans. But what if there's a whole category of people in your life whose impact is overlooked? So that's a measurement difference of 100 percent of performance. This is Hidden Brain. (Speaking Japanese). VEDANTAM: So all this raises a really interesting question. But that can blind us to a very simple source of joy that's all around us. And he started by asking Russian-speaking students to personify days of the week. : The Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Benefits of Sharing Positive Events, Perceived Partner Responsiveness as an Organizing Construct in the Study of Intimacy and Closeness, Read the latest from the Hidden Brain Newsletter. We love the idea of Hidden Brain helping to spark discussions in your community. They are ways of seeing the world. Purpose can also boost our health and longevity. And the way you speak right is not by speaking the way that people around you in your life speak, but by speaking the way the language is as it sits there all nice and pretty on that piece of paper where its reality exists. - so one skull but two different minds, and you shift from one to the other. So in English, I might say that Sam (ph) broke the flute. And you say that dictionaries in some ways paint an unrealistic portrait of a language. BORODITSKY: Yeah. Hidden Brain: The Easiest Person to Fool on Apple Podcasts BORODITSKY: One thing that we've noticed is this idea of time, of course, is very highly constructed by our minds and our brains. Athletic Scholarships are Negatively Associated with Intrinsic Motivation for Sports, Even Decades Later: Evidence for Long-Term Undermining, by Kennon M. Sheldon and Arlen C. Moller, Motivation Science, 2020. Which I think is probably important with the reality that this edifice that you're teaching is constantly crumbling. They shape our place in it. UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: (Speaking foreign language). VEDANTAM: Time is another concept that is also central to the way we see and describe the world. Goal Striving, Need Satisfaction, and Longitudinal Well-being: The Self-Concordance Model, by Kennon M. Sheldon and Andrew J. Elliot, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1999. If you can speak more than one language, does this mean that you're also simultaneously and constantly shifting in your mind between different worldviews? This is HIDDEN BRAIN. But actually, it's something that's not so hard to learn. Copyright Hidden Brain Media | Privacy Policy, direct support to Hidden Brain by making a gift on our Patreon page, sponsorship opportunities on Hidden Brain. The size of this effect really quite surprised me because I would have thought at the outset that, you know, artists are these iconoclasts. 437 Episodes Produced by Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam Website. But it's a lovely example of how language can guide you to discover something about the world that might take you longer to discover if you didn't have that information in language. In a lot of languages, there isn't. There was no way of transcribing an approximation of what people said and nobody would have thought of doing it. So I think it's an incredible tragedy that we're losing all of this linguistic diversity, all of this cultural diversity because it is human heritage. Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams, by Amy Edmondson, Administrative Science Quarterly, 1999. But that can blind us to a very simple source of joy thats all around us. Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. There are many scholars who would say, look, yes, you do see small differences between speakers of different languages, but these differences are not really significant; they're really small. Whats going on here? Copyright 2018 NPR. In this episode, we explore how long-term relationships have changed over time and whether we might be able to improve marriage by asking less of it. But is that true when it comes to the pursuit of happiness? FEB 27, 2023; Happiness 2.0: The Reset Button . You would give a different description to mark that it was not intentional. But what if it's not even about lust? And it ended up becoming less a direct reflection of hearty laughter than an indication of the kind of almost subconscious laughter that we do in any kind of conversation that's meant as friendly. Language was talk. It's natural to want to run away from difficult emotions such as grief, anger and fear. But they can also steer us in directions that leave us deeply unsatisfied. VEDANTAM: So I want to talk about a debate that's raged in your field for many years. And nobody wishes that we hadn't developed our modern languages today from the ancient versions. BORODITSKY: Actually, one of the first people to notice or suggest that this might be the case was a Russian linguist, Roman Jakobson. 4.62. So for example, grammatical gender - because grammatical gender applies to all nouns in your language, that means that language is shaping the way you think about everything that can be named by a noun. out. It's never going to. VEDANTAM: I love this analogy you have in the book where you mention how, you know, thinking that a word has only one meaning is like looking at a snapshot taken at one point in a person's life and saying this photograph represents the entirety of what this person looks like. As soon as you move the leg, it becomes a different leg. You can run experiments in a lab or survey people on the street. I decided it was very important for me to learn English because I had always been a very verbal kid, and I'd - was always the person who recited poems in front of the school and, you know, led assemblies and things like that. Persuasion: Part 1 - Transcripts It's testament to the incredible ingenuity and complexity of the human mind that all of these different perspectives on the world have been invented. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #5: (Speaking foreign language). Now, in a lot of languages, you can't say that because unless you were crazy, and you went out looking to break your arm, and you succeeded - right? Today in our Happiness 2.0 series, we revisit a favorite episode from 2020. Purpose can also boost our health and longevity. Lost In Translation- Hidden Brain Podcast Transcript .pdf So we did an analysis of images in Artstor. VEDANTAM: (Laughter) All right, I think it might be time for me to confess one of my pet peeves. So I think it's something that is quite easy for humans to learn if you just have a reason to want to do it. And, I mean, just in terms of even sounds changing and the way that you put words together changing bit by bit, and there's never been a language that didn't do that. Hidden Brain - You 2.0: Cultivating Your Purpose - Google Podcasts John is a professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at www.npr.org for further information. And a girl goes in this pile. But if he just bumped into the table, and it happened to fall off the table and break, and it was an accident, then you might be more likely to say, the flute broke, or the flute broke itself, or it so happened to Sam that the flute broke. That is the direction of writing in Hebrew and Arabic, going from right to left. So maybe they're saying bridges are beautiful and elegant, not because they're grammatically feminine in the language, but because the bridges they have are, in fact, more beautiful and elegant. VEDANTAM: So I find that I'm often directionally and navigationally challenged when I'm driving around, and I often get my east-west mixed up with my left-right for reasons I have never been able to fathom. John, you've noted that humans have been using language for a very long time, but for most of that time language has been about talking. Sometimes, life can feel like being stuck on a treadmill. And you suddenly get a craving for potato chips, and you realize that you have none in the kitchen, and there's nothing else you really want to eat. This is HIDDEN BRAIN. But, you know, John, something gnaws at me every time I hear the word used wrong. So new words are as likely to evolve as old ones. So bilinguals are kind of this in-between case where they can't quite turn off their other languages, but they become more prominent, more salient when you are actually speaking the language or surrounded by the language. Does Legal Education Have Undermining Effects on Law Students? So LOL starts out as meaning hardy-har-har (ph), but then it becomes something more abstract. Hidden Brain - Transcripts Hidden Brain - Transcripts Subscribe 435 episodes Share Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. If you're like most people, you probably abandoned those resolutions within a few weeks. VEDANTAM: It took just one week of living in Japan for Jennifer to pick up an important new term. Transcript Podcast: Subscribe to the Hidden Brain Podcast on your favorite podcast player so you never miss an episode. Our team includes Laura Kwerel, Adhiti Bandlamudi and our supervising producer Tara Boyle. But is that true when it comes to the pursuit of happiness? Put this image on your website to promote the show -, Happiness 2.0: The Only Way Out Is Through, Report inappropriate content or request to remove this page. They're more likely to see through this little game that language has played on them. This week, we kick off a month-long series we're calling Happiness 2.0. In the second episode of our "Relationships 2.0" series, psychologist Do you ever struggle to communicate with your mom? What techniques did that person use to persuade you? And, I mean, really, it sounds exactly like that. There are signs it's getting even harder. If a transcript is available, youll see a Transcript button which expands to reveal the full transcript. native tongue without even thinking about it. And if the word bridge is masculine in your language, you're more likely to say that bridges are strong and long and towering - these kind of more stereotypically masculine words. Having a sense of purpose can be a buffer against the challenges we all face at various stages of life. Perceived Partner Responsiveness as an Organizing Construct in the Study of Intimacy and Closeness, by Harry T. Reis, et. Updated privacy policy: We have made some changes to our Privacy Policy. So one possibility for bilinguals would be that they just have two different minds inside - right? And if you teach them that forks go with women, they start to think that forks are more feminine. You can also connect directly with our sponsorship representative by emailing [emailprotected]. GEACONE-CRUZ: It describes this feeling so perfectly in such a wonderfully packaged, encapsulated way, and you can just - it rolls off the tongue, and you can just throw it. Hidden Brain: You, But Better on Apple Podcasts Happiness 2.0: The Reset Button. But it turns out humans can stay oriented really, really well, provided that their language and culture requires them to keep track of this information. And what he noticed was that when people were trying to act like Monday, they would act like a man. something, even though it shouldn't be so much of an effort. We talk with psychologist Iris Mauss, who explains why happiness Why do some companies become household names, while others flame out? Today in our Happiness 2.0 series, we revisit a favorite episode from 2020. In the United States, we often praise people with strong convictions, and look down on those who express doubt or hesitation. Researcher Elizabeth Dunn helps us map out the unexpected ways w, Having a sense of purpose can be a buffer against the challenges we all face at various stages of life. this is hidden brain I'm Shankar Vedantam in the classic TV series Star Trek Mister Spock has a foolproof technique for accurately reading the thoughts and feelings of others the Vulcan mind I am Spock you James our minds are moving closer most most here are kind of hard we have new technology that gives us direct access to the minds of others so Transcript - How language shapes the way we think by Lera Boroditsky.docx, The Singapore Quality Award requires organisations to show outstanding results, The following lots of Commodity Z were available for sale during the year, b The authors identify 5 types of misinformation in the abstract but discuss 7, 17 Chow N Asian value and aged care Geriatr Gerontol Int 20044521 5 18 Chow NWS, Writing Results and Discussion Example.docx, A 6 month old infant weighing 15 lb is admitted with a diagnosis of dehydration, ng_Question_-_Assessment_1_-_Proposing_Evidence-Based_Change.doc, The Social Security checks the Government sends to grandmothers are considered A, 03 If a covered member participates on the clients attest engagement or is an, AURETR143 Student Assessment - Theory v1.1.docx. And so somebody will say, well, who was it who you thought was going to give you this present? Hidden Brain Host Explains Why We Lie to Ourselves Every Day al, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004. The categorization that language provides to you becomes real, becomes psychologically real. Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Dont Know, by Adam Grant, 2021. For more of our Relationships 2.0 series, check out one of our most popular episodes ever about why marriages are so hard. But if you ask bilinguals, who have learned two languages and now they know that some genders disagree across the two languages, they're much less likely to say that it's because chairs are intrinsically masculine. Psychologist Ken Sheldon studies the science of figuring out what you want. We recommend movies or books to a friend. ADAM COLE, BYLINE: (Singing) You put your southwest leg in, and you shake it all about. So some languages don't have number words. They give us a sense that the meanings of words are fixed, when in fact they're not. Elon Musk's brain chips, starvation in Somalia and Greek anguish It's natural to want to run away from difficult emotions such as grief, anger and fear. But I think that we should learn not to listen to people using natural language as committing errors because there's no such thing as making a mistake in your language if a critical mass of other people speaking your language are doing the same thing. 00:55:27 Hidden Brain Happiness 2.0: The Reset Button And as you point out, it's not just that people feel that a word is being misused. Our transcripts are provided by various partners and may contain errors or deviate slightly from the audio. I'm Shankar Vedantam. VEDANTAM: John McWhorter, thank you so much for joining me on HIDDEN BRAIN today. Additional Resources Book: A brief history of relationship research in social psychology, by Harry T. Reis, in Handbook of the History of Social Psychology, 2011. Long before she began researching languages as a professor, foreign languages loomed large in her life. I just don't want to do it. Interpersonal Chemistry: What Is It, How Does It Emerge, and How Does it Operate? And there are consequences for how people think about events, what they notice when they see accidents. So earlier things are on the left. MCWHORTER: Yes, Shankar, that's exactly it. Subscribe: iOS | Android | Spotify | RSS | Amazon | Stitcher Latest Episodes: Happiness 2.0: The Reset Button And one day, I was walking along, and I was just staring at the ground. And one thing that we've noticed is that around the world, people rely on space to organize time. It's inherent. My big fat greek wedding, an american woman of greek ancestry falls in love with a very vanilla, american man. Maybe they like the same kinds of food, or enjoy the same hobbies. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #2: (Speaking foreign language). Hidden Brain SHANKAR VEDANTAM, HOST:This is HIDDEN BRAIN. Follow on Apple, Google or Spotify. I'm Shankar Vedantam. We talk with psychologist Iris Mauss, who explains why happiness can seem more el, When we want something very badly, it can be hard to see warning signs that might be obvious to other people. (SOUNDBITE OF TV SHOW, "PARKS AND RECREATION"). Physicist Richard Feynman once said, "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." One way we fool ourselves is by imagining we know more than we do; we think we are experts. Laughter: The Best Medicine | Hidden Brain : NPR So to give you a very quick wrap-up is that some effects are big, but even when effects aren't big, they can be interesting or important for other reasons - either because they are very broad or because they apply to things that we think are really important in our culture. So even if I'm speaking English, the distinctions that I've learned in speaking Russian, for example, are still active in my mind to some extent, but they're more active if I'm actually speaking Russian. Hidden Brain. How to Really Know Another Person - Transcripts

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